Beautifully, Uniquely You

A fun book to build confidence, friendship, social skills, self-esteem, empathy, courage, individuality, and a growth mindset for girls

Children - Picture Book
33 Pages
Reviewed on 09/17/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers' Favorite

Two girls attend a birthday party dressed alike. They even look the same. But are they? In Geoffrey M Ward and Fei Zheng-Ward’s Beautifully, Uniquely You, follow an incredible journey of self-discovery as two look-alikes find out how uniquely different and special they really are. They might dress alike and enjoy the same food, like chocolate cake. They probably even enjoy playing the party games and taking home a stash of party favors. And, they have the potential to become great friends as they learn to accept their likenesses and differences.

Geoffrey M Ward and Fei Zheng-Ward’s picture book, Beautifully, Uniquely You, is a fun book that will help build confidence in young readers, as well as develop friendship, social skills, self-esteem, empathy, courage, individuality, and a growth mindset – particularly for girls. The language is simple, with short sentences to effectively convey each point. The illustrations really carry the story, as the bold, colorful pictures speak with intensity about each message being shared. The story is a journey of meaningful self-discovery as two girls embrace who they are. Remember, “You’re unique. There’s nobody like you.” Like Azizi Tuere’s I’m Beautiful Because I Am, this story embraces the girl power of individuality, of being unique with a beauty that shines from deep within. It doesn’t matter if someone else looks the same because diversity and individuality define us uniquely. A great story to teach young readers about who they are and how important they are with their unique, individual qualities. Beautifully presented.