
House of Normandy Book 1

Fiction - Historical - Personage
293 Pages
Reviewed on 09/28/2022
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Author Biography

Cathie Dunn writes historical fiction, mystery, and romance. The focus of her historical fiction novels is on strong women through time.

Cathie has been writing for over twenty years, and studied Creative Writing, with a focus on novel writing. She loves researching for her novels, delving into history books, and visiting castles and historic sites.

At the moment, Cathie is working on two novels: Treachery, #2 in the House of Normandy series, about Sprota the Breton, handfasted wife of William Longsword, the son of Poppa and Rollo; and The Alchemist's Daughter, #2 in the Affair of the Poisons series. She also continues to plot a medieval murder mystery series set in 13th century Languedoc at the height of the Cathar persecutions.

Cathie's stories have garnered awards and praise from reviewers and readers for their authentic description of the past.

Cathie is a member of the Historical Novel Society, the Romantic Novelists’ Society, and the Alliance of Independent Authors. She is also a promoter of historical fiction at The Coffee Pot Book Club.

After many years in Scotland, Cathie now lives in south of France with her husband, and rescued Charlie Cat and Ellie Dog. Discover more about Cathie at!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alex Ndirangu for Readers' Favorite

The Northmen have been ravaging villages along the coast and inland, and now the calm in Bayeux, Neustria, the Kingdom of the West Franks, is about to change. It is Easter Sunday, April 12th, AD 890, and many Bayeux residents are in church when the shouts and screams become louder. The Northmen are closing in, which can only mean one thing: war! Poppa's life will change irrevocably as unwelcome changes occur in this tranquil town. Her father agrees to submit to Hrólfr, the head of the Northmen, and have Poppa's hand joined to Hrólf's in marriage. Poppa is only 14 at this point, and Hrólfr isn't particularly attracted to his young bride. He leaves Poppa and sets off to advance his political objectives. Their life together after Poppa joins him will be unpredictable and could leave Poppa feeling betrayed by her husband. How will Poppa demonstrate that she can rise above the harsh realities that life has thrown her way? She may forgive her husband, but will she continue to love him the same way? Pick up a copy of Cathie Dunn's Ascent to find out.

Cathie Dunn transports us back over a thousand years in the most meaningful way that will appeal to any reader. She has woven an intriguing story using the scant information we have about the period and its key players. The blissful love story included in the book added to the thrill. The setting was made more beautiful by the community and individuals in the tale. There were friends, foes, and allies, and each was motivated differently, whether by love, hatred, or greed. The story flowed beautifully. I never expected such a complex plot whose ending would be riveting and unusual. Every character was brilliant and well-developed, from A' Star to the supporting cast. They all played significant roles, which helped me remember them. The list of characters at the beginning was most helpful in providing a quick reference every time I returned to the story. Ascent would satisfy any reader looking for a well-written work of historical fiction.