Ancient Mysteries of the Urban Legion

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
381 Pages
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

In Ancient Mysteries of the Urban Legion by Dave Agans, Roger Landowski believed no one would show up when he saw the social media appeals to protest against Master Chuushin, a peaceful guru. Lynn, who was raised in Chuushin's neighborhood, insisted that they travel there to investigate. Roger was aware that the Corporation had sparked this attack since he had watched them spread anti-Buddhist propaganda. However, corporate attacks always had a purpose, and Roger had no idea what possible danger a calm Zen master might present. There was an increase in violent conflict among organizations, and everywhere people were fighting. The Corporation was escalating its incitement to violence in order to sell some sort of product and everything was falling apart. Roger wanted to identify the Corporation’s boss and prevent Armageddon.

Ancient Mysteries of the Urban Legion is intriguing and exciting. It was a riotous roller coaster ride of urban legends, hoaxes, and conspiracies. Dave Agans created a world in which I could lose myself and have fun while reading. It was a page-turner that I could not put down because I was afraid I would miss something. There was so much happening that there was never a dull moment. With all the twists and turns, I never knew what would happen next. The characters were authentic and relatable. They stood out and each had a credible backstory. I enjoyed Roger’s struggle with meditation because his mind often wandered, and then he had to force himself not to think about anything. The story was brilliantly written and was both compelling and funny. The ending was astonishing and blew my mind!