A Shadow of Love

Romance - Paranormal
175 Pages
Reviewed on 07/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Emma Megan for Readers' Favorite

A Shadow of Love by Amy S. Cutler is a gripping paranormal romance. It follows Annabelle Peterson, a freelance journalist, as she moves into a big old farmhouse in the middle of nowhere to start a new life after leaving her abusive husband. When Annabelle meets one of her new neighbors, she learns that her house may be uninhabitable because of paranormal activity. One stormy night, she hears someone calling her name and wonders if the house is indeed haunted. When Annabelle finds more information about the house, she learns about Christian and starts believing he's the spirit haunting her new home. She now wants to show him she doesn't get scared away easily. After he shows up a few times in her dreams, Annabelle and Christian form a deep connection with each other. However, Annabelle learns that her abusive husband is trying to find her and that there's a dark curse threatening her and Christian's future.

A Shadow of Love by Amy S. Cutler is a beautiful, unsettling, and heart-wrenching tale of self-discovery, forbidden love, letting go, friendship, and what we do to avoid losing someone forever. It explores new beginnings, finding a place to belong, abusive marriages, life after an abusive relationship, how quickly a great love can develop, and to what extent it can mark us. This story creeps you out, breaks your heart, mends it, and then surprises you with unexpected twists. Anyone in the mood for a spooky love story should grab this book. A Shadow of Love has the perfect couple and the right amount of mystery, suspense, romance, and paranormal for a compulsively readable novel.