A Hush at Midnight

A killer sunset... A breathtaking secret

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
368 Pages
Reviewed on 10/15/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

A Hush at Midnight by Marlene M. Bell had me in its clutches from beginning to end, leaving me stunned on the final page. When Laura Harris decides to visit her mentor, Hattie, a woman she has viewed as more than a friend, she is unprepared for the following events. After visiting with Hattie, Laura decides to leave. However, before getting far, something compels her to return to Hattie’s house where she stumbles upon a murder scene, an event that will forever change her life. With this second loss in a year and a love affair gone wrong, Laura finds herself the sole heir of Hattie’s estate. This makes her a primary suspect and the target of an unknown enemy. Despite warnings from loved ones, Laura cannot rest until she finds the truth and brings the perpetrator to justice.

In A Hush at Midnight, Marlene M. Bell wasted no time leading the reader into the action. It felt like there was no room to pause; there was no taking a break from this story. Normally, when reading a crime and mystery thriller, the reader sometimes has a clue about the perpetrator. I can confidently say my guess on this was wrong. Bell has crafted a story with twists and turns, where characters are intricately developed, each revealing hidden depths and motivations. Each revelation of a character's personal story added to the tension, making it impossible to predict who to trust and what lay around the corner. Ultimately, I appreciated Bell’s masterful storytelling and the skill, dedication, and effort that went into crafting this masterpiece.

Ibrahim Aslan

A Hush At Midnight by Marlene M. Bell tells the intriguing tale of former celebrity chef and cookbook author Laura Harris. Laura's problems began when she visited the elderly Hattie Stenburg in her home in Texas. Hattie is the town's matriarch. But to Laura, she is a mentor, confidant, and trusted friend. Hattie's health has been failing for some time. Suspiciously, Laura's visit is cut short by Nicole, Hattie's caregiver. Even though Laura initially leaves, her conscience urges her to return to Hattie's home. When she does, Laura discovers Hattie dead. Hattie's will lists Laura as the sole beneficiary of her estate, thus making Laura the number one suspect in the eyes of the police. As danger unfolds around her and an unknown enemy looms nearby, Laura is committed to bringing the real criminal to justice and uncovering the truth.

Marlene M. Bell knows how to wow her readers from start to finish. A Hush At Midnight is an immensely engaging and compelling murder mystery. It is the perfect combination of suspense, drama, danger, thriller, and a touch of romance. This novel is set in a small town filled with perplexing secrets, unanticipated surprises, and many twists and turns. The interesting cast of characters is well-defined from the beginning. In their own right, they are all fascinating and nuanced. Each character has a distinct motive, and it's up to Laura--and readers--to try to decipher the identity of the real perpetrator. Trust is a commodity that has to be earned and not handed out recklessly. The suspense alone will grip you in guessing motives and have you sitting on the edge of your seat. I highly recommend this exciting read to suspense and thriller fans.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

A Hush At Midnight by Marlene M Bell is a stunning murder mystery. Laura Harris was once a celebrity chef, but she’s hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons now – she’s accused of murdering the town matriarch. A tiny woman against a WWII pilot veteran? It seems Laura has the perfect motive, though, when it comes to light that Hatty Stenburg had recently written her family out of her will and left it all to Laura. As Laura tries to prove her innocence, she uncovers a lot of secrets and a murderer who threatens Laura – can she discover the truth before it’s too late?

A Hush At Midnight by Marlene M Bell is one of the most compelling murder mysteries I’ve read in a long time. At the start of the book, a detailed list of characters is provided, which is a great help for readers. This book has everything a murder mystery needs – suspense, intrigue, and plenty of action. It is a fast-paced story, and there are lots of twists as the plot plays out before you. Ms. Bell has provided everything you need to solve the mystery but in such a clever way that you simply won’t guess the ending until it's before your eyes. The characters are well-developed and the author has done a great job of setting the scene. Her writing is descriptive enough so that you can picture everything as you read, and you’ll feel like you are a part of the story. A touch of romance rounds out this wonderfully complex mystery that is also an easy read. Recommended to all fans of thrillers and murder mysteries.