A Desperate Measure

Fiction - Science Fiction
340 Pages
Reviewed on 06/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alicia DeBerry for Readers' Favorite

How far is too far when you are fighting against corruption? Seth W James considers this question in A Desperate Measure. Cain and Francesca defeated the heinous cabal created by billionaire Deitrich Stinnes. They joined the newly formed European Seawall Foundation so Francesca could start her project to create more farmland to feed the people, with Cain as her Chief of Security. They were hoping that there would be more peace in their lives. Things quickly escalate as the foundation funds get targeted by the off-world corporation Black Horizons Inc. Black Horizons has nothing to lose as the violence escalates due to it being above the law of Earth. Cain uses his street knowledge, the latest A.I. security tech, and gear to help keep Francesca safe.

A Desperate Measure is fast-paced with a lot of action. Seth W. James' explanations for using advanced A.I. surveillance systems, artillery, gear, and drones were easy to understand. I was so concerned for Francesca's safety and wanted her to succeed in her goal of helping restore the resources and opportunities for people. I related to Cain's willingness to ensure Francesca's safety by any means necessary. He addresses social issues of poverty, food scarcity, unemployment, and homelessness. He also shows how corruption in economic development progresses as Francesca battled with the delegates and corporations to keep things on track. The pursuit of money can lead to good or bad choices. I recommend this book to readers who enjoy thrillers, intrigue, and social issues.