A Deadly Game

Fiction - Thriller - General
291 Pages
Reviewed on 11/17/2023
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Author Biography

Former teacher turned full-time writer as well as a writing mentor for others aspiring to become authors. As a mom of two, loving her children unconditionally, I asked myself how far I’d be willing to go to protect them and hence, the idea for this story was born! I’m currently working on my next novel!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

A Deadly Game by Gayle Brown is a thriller full of twists and turns. Jaden Pierce went missing while playing manhunt in the woods by Lake Cypress with his fraternity brothers. When the police organized a search party for Jaden, Nicole joined them. Nicole stumbled upon her son Kyle’s license during the search and hid it. Kyle was her only child, and Nicole would do whatever was necessary to protect him. Nicole was not sure if she could believe Kyle when he said he had nothing to do with Jaden’s disappearance. While searching for answers on her own, Nicole noticed that she was being followed. Nicole was unsure what to do with the information she had obtained; should she keep it to herself or go to the police?

Gayle Brown had me hooked from the first page of A Deadly Game until the end. This thriller is fast-paced, jam-packed with action, and the suspense kept me on the edge of my seat. It was a roller coaster of suspicion, murder, betrayal, and surprises. It was a page-turner, and I could not put it down because I was too afraid I would miss something. The characters were outstanding, and I could relate to them. Nicole hid information about her son from her husband, only to find out that he was no longer the man she married. The story was excellently written, and the ending was fantastic; there was a major twist that I didn't expect. I was barely over the shock when another truth was revealed that I didn't see coming or expect at all.

Susan Kisiel Morris

Just finished this book and I Loved it! I could not put it down. Planning to have my book club read it for our next book. Looking forward to more books from this author.

Jaden Pierce

Very good story, based on a true one.