A Certain Man

Christian - Historical Fiction
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/14/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Danelle Petersen for Readers' Favorite

A Certain Man by Linda Dindzans is a beautiful story based on the life of Abraham’s descendant Samuel. When the young Mara lays eyes on the handsome carpenter Samuel, she is immediately smitten; he is everything she could want in a man. Sturdy and hardworking, she knows that he will be able to provide for her and their offspring. However, the High Priest’s son, Achor, a cruel and wanton young man, threatens to ruin everything when he asks for Mara’s hand. Mara’s father, seeing Achor as an opportunity for a life of leisure, immediately agrees to Mara’s union with the vile Achor. Pleading with her father is of no use; he still blames her for his wife’s untimely death. Frustrated at the sudden turn of events yet eager to fulfill his mother Ruth’s prophecy, Samuel is determined to fight for Mara. But will he succeed? After all, there are evildoers just as determined to break the prophecy as he is to fulfill it.

Linda Dindzans’ powerful narrative drew me into Mara and Samuel’s story instantly. The emotions displayed by the characters had me deeply invested in their troubles and dilemmas. But what impressed me most was how neatly Linda’s story was woven into that of the Bible; she did an outstanding job of interpreting the events and characters. Intriguing and filled with drama, A Certain Man held my attention till the last page.; it is sure to leave a deep impression on its readers. What I also admired was the characters’ development, especially Samuel’s as he was so quick to anger. I also liked Mara’s prophetic question about the woman at the well; it was certainly endearing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would like to read more of Linda’s works; she certainly has a knack for engaging storytelling. I recommend A Certain Man to fellow Christians, and, of course, those looking for an awe-inspiring read.