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Things Writers Should Never Do
Did you know there are actually some things you should never do as a writer? For one thing, be careful with your assumptions: don’t ever assume there’s only one way to write. There are countless self-help books out there telling us how to become a...
How to Write in Inverted Pyramid Style
The easiest way to write nonfiction, especially for new writers, is to use the inverted pyramid. This writing style works well in news stories, blogs, reports, even emails; anything where your goal is to communicate factual information. The inverted pyramid puts the most important information first and...
Why Do We Read?
If we are what we claim to be, writers, then we should know and appreciate the power of the written word. But how much do we read? Do we only read the same genre? Or do we challenge our senses and intellect by selecting reading...
Why You Should Avoid using Trademarks
A trademark is a name or symbol affiliated with a product. It can be the name of the product itself or a symbol identified with the product. Some examples are Coke, Xerox, and Rollerblade. The process of getting a term trademarked is neither simple nor inexpensive....
Let Contrast Enliven Your Characters
One way to grab, and keep, your readers’ attention is by letting your characters have contrasting attributes in their personalities. I’m not speaking of your story’s plot containing a twist or having a surprise ending. I mean conflicting qualities within a person. Here’s an example: One of your...
Why Writers Should Use Action Tags
Any work of fiction can be improved with the judicious use of action tags. As their name implies, action tags show characters engaging in some sort of physical action. They’re used in conjunction with dialogue. Here are a couple of examples, first a simple one...
Why and How to Write a Nut ‘Graph
You have heard the expression “the story in a nutshell,” which means telling a story quickly and including only the most important information. Learning to tell your story in a nutshell is a useful skill. This process is called writing a nut ‘graph (sometimes spelled nut...
For Nonfiction Writers: How to Write a Direct Lead
The simplest way to start a nonfiction article, especially for inexperienced writers, is to employ a direct lead. Also known as a traditional lead, a direct lead tells who did what and perhaps when and where they did it. Here’s an example: George Washington...
Understanding Motivation Part 3
Fun Workplace Theory It has been found that incorporating fun in the workplace can have an influence on motivation. Hazelton (2014) noted that positive emotions contribute to productivity and that positive emotions tend to be generated by fun working experiences. Hazelton (2014) also found that having...
Understanding Motivation Part 2
While it is important to understand the basics of motivation, a deeper understanding can also be useful for writers who wish to go for a more in-depth explanation of their characters' motivations. For a more in-depth understanding and explanations of motivation, one would need to...