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Excessive Flashbacks
The writer with the idea that characters must be three-dimensional creates a backstory for his characters. The writer then becomes so preoccupied with excessive flashbacks that he loses touch with the present, which is a more important time for the characters. If the writer cannot...
Writing the Destiny Novel
The destiny novel—a type of novel wherein characters are brought together by fate. There are two possible structures in plotting the destiny novel. The story is the same, but the situations differ. Story: Eight pilgrims aboard a boat are in search of a new homeland. They...
Using Philosophy in Fiction Writing 2: Plato’s Cave and the Revolution of Social Fiction
In this course of articles, we take a cursory view of a philosophical social movement or way of thinking and examine how that movement’s ideas can be utilized to enhance your fiction writing, bringing dynamism and realism to your worldbuilding and character motivation. In this...
Using Philosophy in Fiction Writing 1: Marxism, Dystopia and Beyond
In this course of articles, we take a cursory view of a philosophical social movement or way of thinking and examine how that movement’s ideas can be utilized to enhance your fiction writing, bringing dynamism and realism to your worldbuilding and character motivation. In this...
Avoiding Writing Distractions
You are distracted. It is difficult to avoid distractions in a world that peppers our existence with commercial temptations to prey on our weaknesses. When distraction and the thought of how challenging writing kick in, procrastination ensues. Most of us would instead think about writing rather...
Ways to Make Your Protagonist More Real and Relatable to the Reader
Things have changed a lot in the literary world. Readers now look for characters that are relatable and real. They want to see a part of themselves or the people around them in the characters they read about. It is no longer about just fulfilling...
Gender Roles in Romance
We’ve all heard the stories before, about how brave knights save princesses, how superheroes save damsels in distresses. We’ve seen young women fall in love with dark, troubled men and, through the power of love, change them for the better. We’ve heard the manufactured romances...
Nature's Gentle Giant: The Bugul Noz
It’s no secret that people are afraid of the dark. Families tend to avoid going out at night, and when they do they stay in well-lit areas. Night clubs are filled with strobe lights, and when the fun is done, friends go out together. No...
The Effort of Rewriting
The rewriting process is the most challenging part of writing, and it is indispensable. The effort of completing a book with all its necessary elements falling into place is a feat worthy of admiration. Everyone can write, but not everyone can achieve a novel. The...
Horrific Inspirations: The Weeping Woman
Oftentimes, the best-known horror stories come from the inversion of cherished ideas. Whether it be the goodness of people, society’s trust in the government, or even an individual’s faith in religion, as humans we have lofty expectations for the institutions and relationships we allow in...