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Hallmarks for a Successful Plot that Snags the Attention of Readers
Writing a successful plot is not easy, even for the most seasoned writer. There comes a time when even the most experienced authors struggle at writing a plot that is perfect in every aspect. To be able to write a plot that appeals to readers...
How To Show Emotion In Your Characters
Writing emotion effectively can be quite complex, but it is a vital part of writing engaging fiction. To draw the reader into the world of your characters means pulling on their heartstrings and evoking emotion. That is how you become a masterful novelist. There are three...
How to Write an Engaging Short Story
Trying to write a full-length novel can be daunting. This is why many writers begin their writing career by creating short stories. If you launch your career with short stories, it will highlight areas, obstacles, and questions you may have. If you are going to...
Common Spelling and Grammatical Errors
Writing can be tricky, and even professional editors can miss a few errors. So, here are some tips to help you write right, with some common spelling and grammar mistakes. I before E except after C, right? Unless it says "ay" as in "neighbor and weigh",...
Good Habits For Freelance Writers
Welcome to adult elementary school. Yes, we were taught skills in elementary school, such as proper English and manners. Back in elementary school, I was in a program for creative writing. However, I was never taught good habits for such a task. As I thought about the contents...
Effective Tips for Concrete World Building in Fantasy Novels
Writing fantasy is not an easy task, especially considering that you will have to come up with a whole new world setup, new cultures, creative names and even dressing customs that haven’t been used before. The setting of your fantasy novel is not just for...
Tips for Developing a Better Plot That Stands Out!
Learning how to develop a story can be very hard for an aspiring author. While authors with more experience know what they need to do to make their plot stand out, debut or aspiring authors have a harder time figuring out what works and what...
Understanding Cognitive Dissonance Part 2
A similar situation of cognitive dissonance was seen in an experiment conducted by Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) where the volunteers who were paid one dollar believed they enjoyed the task they were paid to do while the volunteers paid twenty dollars found it less enjoyable....
Understanding Cognitive Dissonance Part 1
In my article "The Need for Psychology Understanding,” I discussed how fiction writers need at least a basic understanding of psychology in order to write realistic content, dialogues, characters, and relationships. One such psychological concept is cognitive dissonance. Writers can make use of cognitive dissonance...
These are The Major No-No’s of Writing Romance that You Must Avoid
There is a common misconception that writing romance is easy. Writing romance isn’t easy and it takes real talent and creativity to write original romance that becomes an instant hit with readers. Quality writing takes some time, dedication and experience and requires many sacrifices. There...