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How to Write Powerful Scenes - Part 4
Use scenes to reveal the conflict in the plot Again, in this case, do not directly state what the particular conflict is; rather show feelings of discontentment or apprehension. The conflict in the scene should be meaningful to the whole story. Do not create scenes where your characters...
How to Write Powerful Scenes - Part 3
Ensure scenes remain authentic and fit other elements of the story For example, a character should not appear benevolent in one scene and cruel in another without a good reason. Scenes should contain details that are consistent with the roles of the characters and they should...
How to Write Powerful Scenes - Part 2
Connect different scenes Earlier in the novel, a character can do something or experience an event whose consequences or meaning are revealed through scenes that appear towards the end of the book. Connecting scenes together gives the story direction and provides the reader with satisfaction. For instance,...
How to Write Powerful Scenes - Part 1
A scene is a point in which an incident occurs in a plot. This definition allows us to draw the first reason for having scenes in your work - the happening of an incidence. Any scene that appears in a novel has either of these...
Avoid Those Name Brands!
While the radio played the latest song by (name of famous pop star), she saw his (name of a luxury car) pull up in front of the house. Slipping into her (designer name) shoes that looked stunning with her (designer name) dress, she dabbed some...
About White Noise
As a writer, I need white noise to concentrate. Yes, there is good in peaceful silence, such as at a church service. However, as for writing, it is just a different story. So, I am going to share with you most of the sounds I...
How to Format Dialogue Correctly
Keep it simple. Dialogue tags—he said, she said, etc.—are usually all you need to indicate who’s speaking, so resist the urge to get creative and overdo it. Mentors and teachers who tell you to do otherwise and find alternatives are, more often than not, unpublished and...
How to Write Effective Dialogue
Dialogue can make or break a story. It is one of the most powerful tools you have if you know how to write dialogue effectively. Here are some of my suggestions. Cut to the chase Every single word of dialogue needs to reveal something about your character's...
The Lessons I Learned About Being a Writer - Part Four
I hope you have enjoyed the previous articles on the things I have learned since becoming a writer; this is the final part. 31. Story trumps structure Many experts and books on how to write a novel concentrate a lot on the structure but this could actually derail...
The Lessons I Learned About Being a Writer - Part Three
As a writer, you never stop learning. It is my pleasure to share all the things I have learned over the last 20 years. 31. Writing is hard Anyone can string words together, but knowing which of those words to combine to touch a heart and change...