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How To Edit Your Novel
Learning how to edit your novel is not an enticing prospect, but one that is necessary if you are to take the next step in your career. You can, of course, hand your completed manuscript to an editor, and that is always the best option...
How To Record An Audiobook
I am sure, as an author, you want your book to reach as wide an audience as possible. Did you know there is a huge group of people out there that do not even know your book exists because they only listen to audiobooks? Hopefully,...
Waiting to Hear From a Publisher is a Mug’s Game
I’ve just finished writing the biography of the nineteenth-century Ukrainian poet and songster, Benjamin Ehrenkranz. Yes, he’s totally forgotten today, but back then, his tunes and words of protest drew quite a crowd. Wild, unconventional, itinerant, he was the sort of man who shared with...
Mistakes to Avoid when Writing Fiction - Part 2 of 2
Lack of Suspense Your plot needs to be suspenseful. If the reader already knows what will happen at the end of the story, there will be no reason to stick with it to the end. For some genres, such as romance novels, the ending may be...
Mistakes to Avoid when Writing Fiction - Part 1 of 2
Even for prolific writers, writing fiction can pose a few (if not many) challenges. When you know what to watch out for, you will be better at avoiding these mistakes and creating a story that readers will love. Here are a few mistakes to avoid...
Simple Practical Tips on How to Become a Better Writer - Part 2 of 2
Be Adventurous Try out new writing styles, read books from other genres, try changing things around. By looking for new ways of writing, you build excitement so that you are not settling down every day at your desk to write in the same style that you...
Simple Practical Tips on How to Become a Better Writer - Part 1 of 2
Sometimes becoming a better writer requires just taking simple steps consistently until you start to notice that you are growing and finally becoming the kind of writer that you want to be. Here are a few easy steps or tips you should take to get...
Addressing Social Issues
As society has changed and evolved, so must the way authors write the things that influence the following generations. Every seasoned author has written about a touchy subject at one time or another. It should go without saying that some subjects require some sensitivity, understanding...
Keep Comedy Humorous
Choosing which genre or sub-genres best suits a manuscript can be a troublesome task. It is also true that some books require warnings to specify who the target audience is. I have seen several different kinds of warnings for thrillers, horrors, romances and even poetry...
How Do You Create a Plot?
What is the definition of a plot? Put simply it is a plan of the sequence of events your novel is going to take, which will form the basis of your storyline. This is an example of a sequence of events. Helen woke from a deep sleep...