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Why and How to Eliminate Excess Prepositional Phrases
Prepositional phrases begin with a preposition and end with an object. Some examples are: I left my book in the house. Her plane arrives before noon. They are useful because they add information. Where did I leave the book? in the house ...
Should I Use a Hyphen, an en Dash, or an em Dash?—part 2
Part 1 of “Should I use a hyphen, an en dash, or an em dash?” covered the differences between hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes, and how to use hyphens. Part 2 covers how to use en dashes and em dashes and how to create...
Should I Use a Hyphen, an en Dash, or an em Dash?—part 1
This is Part 1 of a two-part article. Part 1 covers the differences between hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes, and how to use hyphens. Part 2 covers how to use en dashes and em dashes and how to create them in Microsoft Word. Hyphens, en...
Why You Should Develop a Personal Style Manual
Style manuals, or style guides (I use the terms interchangeably), are a set of standards. They help us keep our writing and formatting consistent by establishing universal styles. Two well-known examples are The Associated Press Stylebook and The Chicago Manual of Style. Serious writers should own one...
The Dos and Don'ts of Picture Book Writing
There are general ‘rules’ concerning the writing of picture books. They exist because they are what have been found to work best for small children. If you are serious about becoming a published picture book author, pay attention to these rules. Picture books should: - tell...
What's a Children's Picture Book And Have You Written One?
You’ve written a picture book, have submitted it to agents and publishers, but you keep getting rejection slips or no answers at all. What are you doing wrong? The simplest answer to a complicated question is: are you sure you wrote a picture book? Picture...
Writing in English Might Be Harder Than You Think
You’ve probably seen the mugs and t-shirts that quote (or misquote) the much-used memory tool from an earlier generation: “i before e except after c”. Which is weird, when you think of it. Why? Because the rule falls flat instantly when you consider words like:...
To Review or Not To Review
Without reading the book, one way to tell whether the book is well written or not is to read a review of the book. This is why a book review has an influence on the sale of the book. This is also why so many...
How to Start Your Own Writers’ Critique Group
Several articles on this site offer excellent advice about attending writers’ groups. This article doesn’t duplicate that information. Rather, it offers a suggestion for those who can’t find a suitable group to attend—start your own. Founding a group may be time consuming and labor intensive,...
How to Tighten your Writing
Good writing is tight writing. Or we might say . . . Tight writing is good writing. Either way, the best writing wastes no words and contains no unnecessary information. That is, it’s tight. Here are two examples of writing that is not tight. See if you can decipher...