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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Understanding Motivation Part 1

In my article "The Need for Psychology Understanding” I discussed how fiction writers need at least a basic understanding of psychology in order to write realistic content, dialogues, characters, and relationships. One such psychological concept is motivation. An understanding of motivation can help fiction writers...

Use Specific Nouns and Verbs for Vivid Writing

Here’s a tip that improves any genre of writing—make your nouns as specific as possible. The more specific your nouns are the richer the mental picture will be in your readers’ minds. As an example, we might write:             Mud covered her...

Contractions – To Use or Not to Use

Which is better? I’ve been thinking about what you’ve been telling me. You’ll know who’s behind it all. You ain’t e’er seen what he’d’ve seen. Or: I have been thinking about what you have been telling me. You will know who is behind it all. You have not...

Don’t Ever Assume Writing is Easy

So, you think writing is easy. Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself, I could write this? I’m sure we’re all guilty of that sentiment. After all, there are only a few basics to writing a good novel, a good story, right?...

Learn to Use Commas Correctly—Part 2

In part 1 of “Learn to Use Commas Correctly,” I discussed the importance of correct comma use. I also wrote about using commas between equal modifiers. Lastly, I also gave you two useful tests to employ when deciding if you need commas. Part 2 discusses using...

Learn to Use Commas Correctly—Part 1

Commas may be the most commonly used punctuation mark. They also may be the most misused.  The problem of correct comma use is compounded by conflicting advice. For example, in the next paragraph I use a comma before but. However, Microsoft Word tells me to take...

Ignite Your Readers With a Gripping First Page

You want to hook your reader from that first line. In fact, you want the entire first page to grab the reader’s attention so they can’t put your book down. How do you do that? First of all, study other authors and decide what works and...

Best Setting to Write about in Asheville

In my article “Setting: Elements of Towns and Cities,” I wrote about how many writers believe a setting is merely a location; however setting is not just a location, but everything that would define a location as a place. The seven elements that a writer...

How Bullying Works

 In my article "The Need for Psychology Understanding,” I discussed how fiction writers need at least a basic understanding of psychology in order to write realistic content, dialogues, characters, and relationships. One such psychological concept is the ways in which biological and genetic factors can...

How to Portray Lower Middle Class Speech

It’s been said that societal class is “the last taboo.” It’s one of the few topics that people are reluctant to talk about. Writers are sometimes similarly hesitant to portray societal class in their characters. But the topic is important. Not everyone in our books and...