Author Services

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

How successful writers appeal to their reader's emotions?

One of the most effective ways to keep your readers turning the pages is to speak to their emotions. Writers need to remember that people don't read to share a writer's experience; they want their own experiences. Readers create these experiences by identifying and emphasizing...

What to do When you Get Stuck in Writing your Story.

When you begin your writing process, it might be fun and rosy at the beginning. You create your characters, and you are fascinated by their attributes and personalities. You give them beautiful descriptions, as well as the world they live in. Then, they get into...

How to Combat Common Plausibility Flaws

The issue of plausibility is crucial to writing fiction. You need to make your readers forget they are reading a story that didn’t happen. You have to make them suspend disbelief. All readers approach fiction with the willingness to partake in your lies. That is the...

How to Control the Pace of your Story

Getting a reader to finish reading your book to the last page is a skill you should not take for granted, whether it’s in the fiction or nonfiction category. You may have picked a book to read and put it down as soon as you started reading....

8 Techniques to Slow Down the Pace of your Story

A fast pace and a slow pace is how a story goes. There are moments when a story should be fast-paced; there is also the need for lagging scenes that emphasize emotional impact. You can also slowly narrate events to maximize the payoff. Readers don’t...

8 Techniques to Increase the Pace of Your Story

Major plot points need speed in narration. You can slow them at intervals to portray a character’s thought process and emotions, but for the most part, the story needs to be at high top speed. A story can be fast-paced on a line-by-line basis (micro-pacing)...

How to Sharpening your Creative Saw for Revision

Have you heard the expression “sharpening your saw?” This means you can continue to use a dull blade to saw through wood, exerting extra pressure and yielding lesser results, or you can take a moment to sharpen your saw, which helps you work more efficiently. We...

Tips to Help you in Carrying out your Research

In researching for your story, there is more than one pathway leading to the same point, and some routes are quicker than others. If you don’t have the right research technique, you might quickly reach a dead end or find the research process more and...

5 Tips to Help Make Your Dialogue More Compelling

Dialogue in fiction is not basic. The conversations between characters should have a purpose and be engaging. And you should write them to be intriguing, involving tension, and worthy of your readers’ attention. To help you with that, here are four tips. 1. Let the Characters...

How to Enhance your Dialogue with Emotional Beats

To make dialogue more compelling for your readers and to also enhance your storytelling, you should, when possible, include a beat. Interject your dialogue with descriptions or actions that reveal the emotional state of your characters during an exchange. These beats need to be appropriate and...