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We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
News values, and why they’re important to writers
You’re a writer, and therefore you must continually make decisions about what topics to address. This chapter explains how some writers—specifically journalists—decide what stories they’re going to cover. For anyone who writes non-fiction, this process will help you decide on topics your readers, viewers, or...
What is Passive Aggression?
What is passive aggression? Maybe you don’t know the meaning of the words 'passive aggression', but you will be surprised to learn that you have used or experienced passive aggression at least once before. We all know passive means not being fully engaged or being partially...
Flattery as a type of sarcasm
One of the most important things a writer should do is find a way to appeal to their ever-evolving audience. Being content with a single style of writing is not a wise thing to do for a writer in this age of tremendous change. As...
What's Deadpan?
Humor is one of the few things that writers can use in their work to keep their audience entertained and also more interested in their work. We are going to look at a form of sarcasm that writers can use to make their work humorous. Have...
What's Sarcasm?
We often use or hear the word sarcasm a lot in our daily conversations. Most writers know the word 'sarcastic' but they may not be sure of its meaning. We are going to take care of that by learning everything there is to learn about sarcasm. The...
Tragic Irony
Have you been thinking of a way to make your narrative more interesting? Have you ever heard of tragic irony? From the name of this literary device, you can tell that tragic irony has everything and anything to do with tragedy. Let’s get started on tragic...
Structural Irony
Our generation is quickly advancing in all ways, from the simplest things such as our lifestyles to more complex things such as our perspectives on life. The world of literature has not been spared from this change. With a lot of creativity being pumped in...
Meaning and Examples of Anticlimax
Surprising your readers can make your narrative more appealing. And anticlimax can help you insert an element of surprise in your writing, making your story more fascinating or creating humor in your prose or essay. In this article, we analyze the meaning and effects of...
How To Use Symbolism To Improve Your Novel
"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it; I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath a source of little visible delight, but necessary." - Wuthering Heights by Emily...
Character-Building and Other Characters
Character building is a lot like world-building and the advice for it is very similar. We need certain types of characters for certain stories. We need a couple of them to make a story really work. I am not just talking about our main character...