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Creative Editing Techniques: Removing Authorial Voice
In the old days of literary fiction, the voice of the author was always present. When you read Dickens or Austen, you can feel the presence of those writers in the work. Commercial fiction doesn’t work like that these days. Pick up any Stephen King...
Creative Editing Techniques: Pacing and Punctuation
This article looks at a technique you can easily develop to analyze your own sense of pacing and check that your punctuation reflects that. Before we begin this exercise, it’s important that you double-check your knowledge of punctuation. Be sure you know that the following marks...
Creative Editing Techniques: Cutting Out Adverbs
It was Stephen King who first coined the phrase “the road to Hell is paved with adverbs”, and this prolific master of horror fiction was not wrong! I’ll confess this: the first time I was advised to get rid of adverbs in my work, I...
All About Stereotypes
It takes the mastering of many concepts in literature to come up with a good narrative. Mastering particular concepts of literature will help you as a writer manipulate them and effectively use them for different purposes. Let’s get started with the definition. The definition of stereotypes Stereotypes...
Visual Irony
Are you trying to get your readers hooked on your work? Do you want your audience to be intrigued and entertained by your work? As a writer, you cannot underestimate the power of humor to lure an audience to stay hooked on your work. Humor is...
What is Sibilance?
What is Sibilance? What do you know about sibilance? Some writers may argue that sibilance involves the use of the consonant letter “s”. Other writers may argue sibilance involves the use of the consonant sound s. Who could be right? Let’s find out. The definition of sibilance Sibilance...
What is Tone?
One of the elements of writing that a writer should always consider when writing is the tone of their work. The tone is important for both writers in the fiction and nonfiction genre. What is tone then? What do you know about tone? We will...
Dead Metaphors
There are many words or phrases we use in our daily conversations or in writing yet we don’t know in what category of literary devices they fall. An example of such a phrase is “the body of an essay”. That phrase is a dead metaphor. Do...
All About Parallelism
What is parallelism? Parallelism is one of the most commonly used literary techniques. You have interacted with parallelism at one point or another either through a conversation, literature, or the other many forms of art. Consider the following examples: “I came to win, to fight To conquer, to...
Writing Persuasively: Why and How to do it
At some point you’ll no doubt want to write something that expresses your opinion and tries to convince others to agree with you. For example, you may want to email your local newspaper or news website on a controversial issue in your community. Or perhaps...