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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

How To Choose A Theme For Your Novel

The theme is one of the most discussed topics in the literary world. The reason why themes are very important is that they deal with the wisdom, the lessons, and the moral of stories. Surprisingly, some writers don’t believe in themes and they don’t like...

How Do You Choose Your Novel’s Setting?

Setting is one of the most important things in a novel. Writers, especially fiction writers, must choose a setting carefully. First, you have to define what setting is in order to figure out how to use it in your story. Setting vs. structure Many theories about stories...

How To Choose The Main Character And His/Her Counterpart

There are two very important characters in every novel: the main character and his/her essential counterpart. During the course of the novel, the relationship between these two characters inevitably changes. It is therefore important to choose the two characters very wisely. It is important for...

Are Archetypal Characters Important To Create Drama In A Story?

This is one of the most confusing parts of characterization. All major characters should have dramatic roles, but some authors are unwilling to use their archetypes because using them might seem unoriginal. This fear has no basis because the dramatic functions of characters that authors...

How To Give Your Plot A Satisfying Climax And Resolution

Some authors don’t like to think about the endings of their stories until they are almost through with their novels. These authors prefer to write the endings that come naturally as a result of the preceding events. Other authors might plan for the ending but...

8 Easy Steps To Create A Plot Outline

Not many authors know this but you can create a compelling and dramatic story outline of your novel in about one hour. There are eight main plot elements that an author must incorporate. 1. Story goal: It is the problem that a protagonist in a story...

The Story Goal: Finding A Perfect Fit

The problem or story goal is the most important element of any plot. It is the unifying idea on which the entire plot is based. The goal is crucial for any novel because it creates a sense of purpose – without it a novel will...

Which Is The Best Approach To Story Structure?

There are thousands, maybe millions of ways an author can approach story structure. However, a good approach to story structure should possess certain features including: 1. It should simultaneously address all aspects of a story including the plot, the characters, and the theme. 2. It should have...

Tips on Writing Romance

Writing a love story takes a lot of effort to avoid making it cheesy and predictable. In fact, romance writers would rather do something as noteworthy as Romeo and Juliet or The Notebook. Mastering the art of writing romance is all about remembering a few...

Tips on Writing Horror Stories

Every reader wants to enjoy a good horror story from time to time. Whether one wants to adopt a storytelling style that is grandiose, foreboding or subtle, becoming a good writer of horror stories is easy. Provided, of course, that one keeps a few writing...