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Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.
Visit our Writing Services PageHundreds of Helpful Articles
We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
The How, Why, And When Of Writing Nonfiction Book Introductions
When readers are deciding whether or not to buy a book, they usually start by looking at introductions. Introductions answer the pertinent questions that readers ask when buying books. The title, cover, and synopsis might already have potential readers interested. The only thing remaining for...
Rewriting Tips - Murder your Darlings
“Rewriting Tips - Murder your Darlings” by Debra Gaynor How exciting! You had an idea, cultivated it, and spent countless hours putting it to paper, and now you are finally done! Congratulations! You have done what many dream of doing but lack the drive to accomplish....
6 Steps For Learning How To Get Yourself Noticed As A Quality Freelancer
One of the hardest things that you can do as a freelancer is getting yourself noticed. There are many other freelancers out there who want the same jobs as you and who are just as qualified or even more qualified than you are. So, how...
Freelance Writing: Getting Your Foot In The Door
Writing can be as rewarding as it can be challenging, particularly if you want to make it a full-time occupation. Regardless of what type of writing you like to do, there are several basic tools that you need to have. Impeccable grammar and spelling are...
Article Writing Tips That Will Lead You To Success
Eagerly you receive your first article assignment, then you wonder, what can I do to make this the best it can be? First would be to understand the article parameters. If you do not understand clearly what the employer's asking for, be sure to ask...
Ways Ghost Writing Is Completely Overrated
Ghostwriting Pros and Cons If you don't mind someone taking the credit for what you have written, then ghostwriting might be just what you're looking for. First you should consider the various aspects of this form of writing. You might be hired to take someone's ideas...
Why Use For Ghost Writing Jobs
If you are a freelance writer, you might at some point have considered getting into the ghostwriting scene. Ghostwriting is when you write articles, novels, memoirs, blogs, etc. for someone else so that they can take the credit instead of you. There are very many...
Why Freelance Writing Jobs Are In Demand
There are numerous types of freelance writing jobs including legal writing, technical writing, medical writing, travel writing, blog writing, etc. Niche writing is a great way to go as a part-time or full-time freelance writer because you will get more experience as you continue working...
What Is Freelance Writing
This question seems self-explanatory, but there are many people who don't fully understand what freelance writing is and what type of content can be considered freelance writing content. There are numerous companies that are always in search of freelance writers. Sometimes they hire writers and...
Tips To Finding Time to Work On Projects
One of the biggest challenges for any freelancer is time management. Freelancers face unique issues that affect their ability to use their time in the best way possible. Freelancers are usually juggling projects and clients and that is a time management nightmare. There are several...