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We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Essential Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors – Tips That Help You Write Better (Part 2)
Aspiring authors have a lot of things to consider before they can even start writing. Although there are no sets of rules that new writers can follow, there are tips from seasoned authors who have decades of successful writing experience and their advice is always worth...
Essential Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors – Tips That Help You Write Better (Part 1)
There is a reason why F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath." There are no rights and wrongs when you write; every writer has their own expression, their own style and their own reasons to write. No...
Witches in Horror: The Macabre of Magic
Even before the European Trials, witches have remained a mysterious force of nature hidden within our imaginations. With blood sacrifices, familiars, and hexes at their disposal, the witch has remained a staple of the horror genre. Even with authors such as J.K. Rowling, Kami Garcia,...
Tips for writing survival horror
Some of us have read about humans being hunted for game, a zombie apocalypse or two, or even a government from a faraway planet gone awry. Whether it be a group of people struggling to survive in an unknown environment, or an individual fighting against...
Why Children Are Used in Horror
Whenever we think of kids, or even teenagers, we don’t think of murderers or monsters (not usually anyway). We might reminisce about when we were young, swept up in the follies of youth and young love. We might even try to relive our dreams through them,...
Creating Your Masterpiece
Everyone has a story to tell - from how to start your own business and expression through poetry to memoirs. For authors to create their best selling masterpiece, they must not only have a compelling story to tell, but they must write it in such...
Overcoming Your Block
It is important to give a voice to matters that concern and interest you - from homelessness and making others happy and laughing through humor to educating our children. You may have already begun to create the message that you want to convey through either...
First or Third Person?
When writing your book, which do you think is best? Is it more effective when you’re reading from the mind of the character, or from the narration of the author? What grips you from start to finish? Knowing that you’re listening to the character share...
Make This the Year to Write That Book You’ve Always Wanted to Write
I can’t count the number of times people have walked up to me at book signings while buying one of my books and said, “I’ve always wanted to write a book.I’ve had this idea for years. What advice would you give me for writing a book?” I...
How to write Southern Gothic
There’s something about the Old South that has captured the minds of artists for many decades. From the gilded wealth of the Antebellum era, or the fallen grace of the Reconstruction era, the South is filled with scandals, prejudice, and elitism, with the scent of...