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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Dolls in Horror

With the advent of movies such as Annabelle: The Creation, and Chucky, dolls have earned their place in the horror genre. Even the dolls in Clemenceau’s Daughter by Rocky Porch Moore have added to the dark, ominous feel of the book, acting as though they were...

Settings in Horror: Carnivals and Other Shows

When I was little, my mom took me to a wonderful carnival. I laughed at the clowns, ate most of the cotton candy, and enjoyed the other acts such as acrobatics and knife throwing. Cheerful smiles and gleeful giggles reached my ears, and alongside the...

Symbolism in Horror

With works such as Silent Hill, Pet, and Frankenstein, the horror genre is rife with symbols. Whether it be in the form of saying goodbye to a lover the protagonist may never see again, or remembering the fact that they just survived a horrific night...

Fairytales in Horror

We’re all familiar with Mother Goose, Disney, and even the Brothers Grimm. Whenever we think of these stories, we think of innocence, perfection, or some other nonsense that still existed in our youth. Popular authors such as Gail Levine Carson and Alex Flinn have utilized...

Writing Psychological Horror

Just recently, my mother and I decided to watch Annabelle: The Creation. It wasn’t as subtle as the other Conjuring movies, but it was good nevertheless. I had also finished a psychological suspense novel, Lara’s Journal, by A. Gavazzoni, which, of course, kept me on...

Morality in Horror

Massacring millions of people just minding their own business, or killing a cute little puppy in front of its young owner; watching strangers being sadistically tortured, or torturing someone in front of you; gauging the nightmarish sins of good and evil is a part of...

Pros and Cons of Fanfiction

Fanfiction is when a writer takes the story and/or characters from a book, TV show, movie, comic, video game, or other work and repurposes them in their own story without owning the original content. There are multiple archives that host fanfiction from multiple sources and...

What is Fanfiction?

Fanfiction is when a writer takes the story and/or characters from a movie, TV show, book, comic, or other work and repurposes them in their own story. There are numerous websites that host huge archives of fanfiction that are organized based on the type of...

What to Write about in Religion

Religion is a very big field to write about because there are so many different religions and there are different off shoots of the different religions. The size of the topic area means that a writer needs to narrow the topic down by perspective and...

The Do’s And Don’ts For Writing Popular Fiction According to John Grisham

If you love reading legal thrillers, then you know that John Grisham is an authority on writing fiction. With several bestsellers under his belt, John Grisham has earned his place as one of the greatest in the genre and his opinion on writing fiction is...