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5 Great Books to Research Your Historical Fiction: 1960s
Historical fiction is a great way to capture an era, whether it is the elegant Victorian era or the swinging pace and sizzle of the Jazz era. Unlike contemporary novels or even fantasy where all a writer needs is their imagination, historical fiction requires meticulous...
Settings in Horror: The Asylum
From the inhumane abuse of Pennhurst Asylum, to the animalistic cruelties of the Royal Bethlehem Hospital, for years writers have used the mental asylum in order to flirt with the fragile boundary between reality and insanity. Books like Madness so Discrete by Mindy McGinnis have...
Settings in Horror: The Church
Oftentimes in any genre, the church has been used as a symbol of sanctity, refuge, and, unfortunately, damnation. From the beautiful glass-stained windows to the fiery, lonesome pulpit, it’s also had its roots in the horror genre, more specifically, religious horror. Even in the real world,...
5 Great Books to Research Your Historical Fiction: 1950s
Historical fiction is a great way to capture an era, whether it is the elegant Victorian era or the swinging pace and sizzle of the Jazz era. Unlike contemporary novels or even fantasy where all a writer needs is their imagination, historical fiction requires meticulous...
How To Write Compelling Back Cover Copy
How To Write Compelling Back Cover Copy Two things entice a reader to pick up your book. First, it is the book cover that catches their eye and immediately after seeing that, they flip to the back of the book for the back cover copy. Generally speaking,...
How To Write A Synopsis For Your Novel
How To Write A Synopsis For Your Novel First things first, we are talking about the synopsis here and not the back cover sales copy. A synopsis is what your agent, editor or publisher will ask for if they want to see what happens in your...
Writing Preparation: Getting Ready To Write Your First Book
Writing Preparation: Getting Ready To Write Your First Book Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, the basic key to writing a successful book is all in the preparation. How you prepare for the project will determine whether you finish the book and how successful it...
5 Great Books to Research Your Historical Fiction: 1940s
Historical fiction is a great way to capture an era, whether it is the elegant Victorian era or the swinging pace and sizzle of the Jazz era. Unlike contemporary novels or even fantasy, where all a writer needs is their imagination, historical fiction requires meticulous...
Why “Bang, Bang, You’re Dead!” Just Doesn’t Cut It Anymore
As a writer of murder mysteries and suspense, I’m a huge fan of modern-day police procedural shows like Elementary, Bones, Forever, the CSI franchise, and the NCIS franchise. All of the shows are somewhat predictable in that there’s a crime – usually involving a murder or two – and the police and/or...
5 Great Books to Research Your Historical Fiction: 1930's
Historical fiction is a great way to capture an era, whether it is the elegant Victorian era or the swinging pace and sizzle of the Jazz era. Unlike contemporary novels or even fantasy where all a writer needs is their imagination, historical fiction requires meticulous...