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We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Top 5 Literary Elements Of A Story
Every story, written or verbal, long or short, has some necessary features that must be part of the narrative for the story to make sense. These features are what we refer to as literary elements or narrative elements or elements of literature. These elements are...
Book Review Do's And Don'ts
Book reviews are one of a writer's best assets because potential readers trust them above anything else. Previously, book reviews were mainly written by the elite, but we have since moved on and now almost anyone can write a review. This means that authors can...
Practical Techniques To Get Rid Of Writer's Block
Writer's block refers to the state of being mentally exhausted and unable to come up with any new, meaningful ideas for your book. It is something most writers struggle with at one point or another. Even after writing several bestsellers, many writers will still find...
How To Write A Captivating Novel
How To Write A Captivating Novel To be successful, your novel needs to capture the reader's mind and transport them to the setting of the story. To achieve this, there are some basic ingredients that your story must have. Some of these must be part...
Why I Don't Like First Person Narration
I readily admit that many authors use first person narration, but I don’t like it. I greatly prefer standard third person narration for several reasons. Can anyone imagine a historical novel about George Washington written in first person narration? Or a novel entitled, I, Moses or even...
What to Write about in Media and Entertainment
Media and entertainment is a very large field as it includes everything from celebrities to reporters to TV shows and movies. Because the field is so large, it is important for writers to focus their writing by topic and perspective. The writer should choose a specific...
What to Write About in Law
The law is a very large and very popular topic choice for writers because, in general, people are interested in how the law directly affects them, possible changes that could affect them, and the politics of them. However, because the law is such a huge...
When Is Your Book Over?
Ever read a book and wondered, “I just started this and I’m finished already?” The plot was amazing but the ending came too quickly. The characters were real and authentic, but the words “The End” are read before you know it. Or the book is...
How to Get Your Story Heard
From James Patterson, John Grisham, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes and Joyce Meyers to Stephen King, what do they all have in common? They are experts in getting their stories heard. How? Each of these authors focused on the needs and interests of their readers. The above-mentioned...
5 Great Books to Research Your Historical Fiction: 1970s
Historical fiction is a great way to capture an era, whether it is the elegant Victorian era or the swinging pace and sizzle of the Jazz era. Unlike contemporary novels or even fantasy where all a writer needs is their imagination, historical fiction requires meticulous...