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Analysing the English Language: Don't Leave It Up to Spell Check!
There, their, they’re – tired of figuring out which there is theirs? Or, for that matter, yours because you’re overwhelmed by the confusion. And the spell check really isn’t helping. It’s amazing how the inconsistencies and unusual nuances and innuendoes of the English language can confuse...
Writer Networking
It was a special occasion. My husband and I decided to drive to a nearby town, browse the historic section and enjoy a lunch out. After walking about, we settled in at an out-of-the-way family restaurant, small, quaint, but reported to have good, homemade (freshly...
Eat, Sleep and Drink
What makes life interesting? Life is intriguing when there is something that excites you or gives you the ability to feel special. It is the same with writing. When you write, you want to share something that you have experienced; whether the feeling is good or...
The Rapture and After
As I’ve stated before, writers tend to draw their inspirations from their cultures, whether they know it or not. From the fiery brimstone illustrations Southern preachers have claimed, to the nuclear war today’s leaders may or may not start, to even alien invasions or parasitic...
Writing Places: Libraries
When it comes to writing, many writers have a specific place where they prefer to do their writing. Some writers use a home office while others prefer an internet cafe or coffee shop; then there are others who prefer the more natural writing environment of...
Writing Places: Cruise Ships
When it comes to writing, many writers have a specific place that they prefer to do their writing. Some writers use a home office while others prefer an Internet cafe or coffee shop; then there are others who prefer the more natural writing environment of...
You're Never Too Young: Writing as a Teen
There’s something magical about books. Not only do they create these worlds and stories for people to explore, but they also bring people together as they read them. It doesn’t matter what age you are, you can suddenly be on a space ship or on...
How to Get Over Writer's Block
Many writers end up suffering from writer’s block at some point in their writing career. It is simply a normal part of writing that the writer at some point, or at multiple points, runs out of things to write, does not know what to write...
The Third Person Narrative
Like many other forms of narration, the third person narrative presents its own share of advantages and technicalities. Depending on what the author is striving for, there are valid reasons for them to select the third person’s point of view to tell their story. Writing in...
Demons in Fiction: Part Two
Demons are an interesting bunch. They make deals, cast our souls into eternal damnation, and, occasionally, provide entertainment for us weary humans. While there are many spirits in history who were demoted to the simple abstract thought of demons, as modern writers, we stick with...