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Banish Writers' Block
Everyone experiences writers' block at some point in their writing career... right? We have all stared at the empty computer screen wondering how to start. The 300-page novel seems an impossible mountain to climb. Here are the main things I do that inspire or help me...
The Art Of Self Editing Your Manuscript
Well done, your latest or first manuscript is complete. It has taken you months, maybe years of blood, sweat, tears and frustration. You have broken through the many days of writers' block and regained creativity. So what now? Who do you send your manuscript to? The...
What to Do While Waiting for Your Beta Readers
Not all authors use beta readers, but they can be extremely helpful in sorting out a story. From noticing dropped subplots, to typos, to missing sequences, beta readers can contribute to your success as an author. In my experience, they have always helped to improve...
Do Your Characters Fail to Come to Life?
Many writers are very good at creating characters and some even have a natural talent for creating living, breathing, three-dimensional people without working up a sweat, while other writers have to apply all manner of life support just get their characters to breathe on their own....
Tips for Coming up with Great Character Names
Every story is its own world; whether it is set on another planet, a small town, a bustling city, or a future time. So choosing the right names for your characters can be a challenge. You want a name that will stand out in your...
Zimbabwean Legends
You can write your unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. Researching myths and legends in other cultures will help you to find something that has a rich history...
Argentinian Myth Monsters
Want to write your own spooky story? In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I advised either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching myths and...
Mythical Creatures in The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I advised finding a monster by researching myths and legends in other cultures to find a creature or creatures with a rich history surrounding it, but that is not considered modern and that is certainly not well known....
Monsters and Creatures of Albanian Myth
In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching...
Different Types of Dictation and Transcription
When it comes to writing, most writers immediately think of typing with a computer or writing on paper with a pen or pencil. There are, in fact, very few writers that think about dictation as a writing method because only recently have people been able...