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Good Copyediting is Essential to the Success of Your Book (10)
Colons and Semicolons Colons and semicolons are often confused, leaving readers confused as well. Here are the differences between the two. Use a colon to: • Introduce an idea (‘Here is my suggestion: follow the signal to Neptune immediately’). • Introduce a list (‘The following three points are vital:...
Good Copyediting is Essential to the Success of Your Book (9)
More on Commas (c) Introductory elements Some sentences begin with a little introduction. Here’s an example: ‘After eating her dinner, the greyhound went to sleep.’ You’ll see that the introduction (After eating her dinner) is separated by a comma from the rest of the sentence. In general, use a...
Good Copyediting is Essential to the Success of Your Book (8)
Punctuation We’ve already talked about over-using punctuation. Here, we’ll look at using routine punctuation: full stops, commas, colons and semicolons, hyphens and dashes. Full Stops (Also Called Periods or Full Points) Everyone knows where to put a full stop. Or do they? Obviously, full stops are used at...
Romantic Inspirations: The Affair of the Poisons
The French Revolution was a turbulent time, filled with fiery passion, confusion, and grief. With the lower classes revolting against the aristocracy, and the guillotine solidifying its importance within that period, there’s no doubt that the lack of civilian rights and distribution of wealth played...
Romantic Inspirations: The Borgias
A lust for power and wealth has oftentimes been the driving force of some of the world’s most horrific individuals. From political pawns to poison to assassinations, humanity has certainly inspired many dark literary works, some of which have continued to haunt us to this...
Love in Horror
Whenever people think of love, they think of family, friends, a special someone or so. They think of kisses and hearts, and even Valentine’s Day. But while it is a cherished emotion, it has also spawned the most tragic and often gruesome tales in literature. From...
How To Start Your First Novel
Many people have a dream of writing a book but few succeed. They say there is a book in everyone, so why doesn’t everyone write a book? The truth is that writing a novel takes time, determination and, above all, commitment. The process can be...
Our Fear of Death in Literature
We all know we’re going to die someday. Whether it be today, tomorrow, or even ten years from now, it’s an inevitability. Oftentimes however, we don’t like to think about our own mortality. Despite it being the most natural thing in the world, we try...
The Characters of Our Stories
I was rewatching one of my favorite shows today, an anime called Tokyo Ghoul. It was about a young college student that had, by accident, become a half-human, half-ghoul hybrid. He struggled with who he was, alongside the dark urges of feasting upon corpses, all...
How to Avoid Writer's Block
All writers have at some point or another in their writing career experienced the awful sensation of writer’s block. The internet has all sorts of advice for writers on how to get over writer’s block, but many writers often prefer to avoid writer’s block in...