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Monsters of Poland
In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching...
Writing Violence
If you have ever written an action or crime novel, then you realise the importance of writing realistic acts of violence. Knowing the key ingredients needed, you can create violence that the reader can empathise with and relate to. It is vital that when you...
The Darkness of a Portrait: Dorian Gray
Morality is a funny thing. Whether that be seen through the eyes of a bystander, or through the protagonist themselves, there’s no doubt that everyone has a moral compass. However, when we’re led astray, we try to blame our fall on someone else, despite the...
The Sorrow of Edgar Allen Poe
One of the most time honored writers in American history was also the one who laid the foundations for the Gothic genre. From his dark, dreary poems, to his nostalgic phrases, to his eerie short stories, there’s no doubt that Edgar Allen Poe has made...
Weird Behavior Makes For Interesting Characters
When you are creating your characters, the most memorable ones are always those with a strange quirkiness.The line between sanity and insanity is not always clear cut. If you think of characters in a Dickens' novel, such as Miss Haversham or Fagin, their madness was quite...
Understand The Psychology Of Your Characters
When you are creating characters, it is vital you have a basic understanding of psychology, which is what makes any character behave and think in a certain way. If you can figure out the inner workings of your character's mind, then you will know immediately...
How To Become A Writing Genius
As you stumble through life just trying to make a breakthrough in the world of literature, it becomes harder to consider yourself a genius. But allow me to let you into a little secret; you already are a genius, you just need to know how to...
How To Make The Perfect Manuscript Rewrite
So you have completed the first draft of your book and are ready to allow a person read it. This person must have a clear understanding of storyline and plot development. Their feedback must be non-biased and constructive. Once you have received the feedback from...
Writing The Perfect Villain
Every protagonist needs an antagonist to conquer because without a battle to overcome evil, there is a very flat storyline. When you are creating your protagonist, keep in mind that every value and goal they have, the antagonist will oppose and vice versa.However, it is...
10 Tips for Getting Paid to Write for Listverse - Part 3
So, here we are, the final part of 10 Tips for Getting Paid to Write for Listverse. This is where it all comes together, and the money comes winging in. Don’t Let Rejections Set You Back You got your subject, you worked out an angle and you...