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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

Horrific Inspirations: The Yorkshire Ripper

Jack the Ripper was an infamous serial killer in Whitechapel who managed to gut at least six prostitutes. He was known for toying with the police, as well as hiding in the darkness, ensuring that he would continue his reign of terror. Even so, there...

Horrific Inspirations: Centralia, Pennsylvania

In the famous horror game Silent Hill, the protagonist has to wander around in an abandoned mining town inspired by Centralia, Pennsylvania in order to find his missing daughter. What’s more, it’s also been said to have been the sight of several hauntings. The reason for...

Romantic Inspirations: The Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau

In American Horror Story: Coven, Marie Laveau is depicted as a powerful voodoo queen that could kill without ever leaving the comfort of her workplace. In Season: A Novel by Jewell Parker Rhodes, Laveau intertwines with a rather mysterious force whose past interacts with the...

Horrific Inspirations: Madame Delphine LaLaurie

In American Horror Story: Coven, a very powerful witch digs up the unmarked grave of a rather horrible woman. Said woman tries clean up her name by spreading false rumors about it, and at the end of the series, ends up going to Hell because...

Romantic Inspirations: The Tower of London

The Tower of London has a cozy little place in popular culture. From its use in the British movie Johnny English, to William Harrison Ainsworth’s historical romance, The Tower of London, it’s clear that the tower itself has been used in more than one artistic endeavor....

When Writers/Readers Overstep Their Boundaries

Sometimes, authors have legitimate reasons to avoid the public eye. Whether it be through the use of a pen name, or the abandoning of a book signing, some authors usually have good reasons for doing this. Some of the material they write may be controversial,...

Romantic Inspirations: Mordred

As the legendary king of Britain, Arthur Pendragon made more than a few enemies, with one of the most iconic being Mordred. Mordred had once served as one of Arthur’s knights, and had fought Arthur at the infamous Battle of Camlann. However, despite his dark...

Coping With A Bad Review

When we first publish a book, we want it to receive the best reviews. Mostly 5 stars, a few 4 stars, editorial reviews guaranteed to get readers to buy our book. We dream our works will make it to the big screen, like that of...

Generate Ideas Using Writing Bursts

Lots of people have ideas in their heads that would make great fiction stories but most never get around to putting their thoughts into action. Mostly, it comes down to not having enough free time and, if we do manage to find the time, we...

Article Writing – How to Overcome a Lack of Confidence

Some people are of the opinion that anyone can write an article, that it’s dead simple to do. I would agree with part of that – anyone CAN write an article – but it isn’t easy to come up with high-quality articles. This is why...