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Monsters and Creatures from Greek Myths Part 3
Mares of Diomedes The mares of Diomedes were a group of four female horses who ate human flesh instead of hay. Heracles once captured these monstrous horses only for them to eat one of his companions. In order to avenge his fallen companion, Heracles defeated the...
How to Submit Poetry or Short Fiction – Part 2
Submitting work for publication is a minefield to new writers; in the first part, we looked at how to find publications and what you, as a writer, should do. Now, the last three of the most common questions asked by newbie writers. Should I Submit My...
How to Submit Poetry or Short Fiction – Part 1
If you write short literature, such as fiction or poetry, submission of your work can be very positive. It is a way of sending yourself a powerful signal that you think enough of your work to let the world see it. And, if your work...
Monsters and Creatures from Greek Myths Part 2
Cyclops The Cyclops were one-eyed, viscious feral monsters with no use for kindness, manners, and laws. Many of the cyclops were shepherds out of necessity as they needed to eat and if they wandered to close to a human village, the villagers would come together to...
Creating a Writing Schedule that Works for You
It is excruciatingly hard for me to stick to my writing schedule. I started a book ages ago and I was stuck in the first chapter for quite some time. Somehow, I do not seem to have enough time to focus on my manuscript. Until...
On Writing Science Fiction… (Part 2)
(Continuation from Part 1…) The Deftly Paradox by Matt White is another book whose theme I loved. The plot follows the invention of an earth-ruling machine. Humans institute the machine to govern the whole universe. At first, the idea seems outrageous but with time, many people...
On Writing Science Fiction… (Part 1)
From time travel to distant planets, aliens or possible future inventions, science fiction or better still, speculative fiction, has many options to offer any aspiring author of the genre. Even though it feels sometimes that many of the great ideas have already been selected or...
Monsters and Creatures from Greek Myths Part 1
In How to Write a Unique Spooky Story, I wrote about how to write a unique spooky story by either creating your own monster, creature, or horror yourself or by finding a monster that is not well known. I advised finding a monster by researching...
Why We Need Editors
As a freelance editor, I can confidently say that authors are the spawn of Satan. I'm joking, of course, but don't get me wrong, I’ve written stories before and I understand the attachment to one’s writing. The biggest disconnect between authors and editors is that...
4 Tips to Revamp your Love for Reading
Part of being a great writer means having a love for books. Reading is crucial for every author or blogger. It helps you grow in your profession and opens up your mind to new styles of writing, new ideas and trends. Still, many avid readers...