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5 Common Mistakes that Interrupt Flow
Being a writer is not easy, no matter how established you are. While the writing part is hard, polishing it up isn’t. By looking at what not to do with sentence structure, you can easily create prose that stands out and engages your readers. You...
Character Habits vs Quirks
The definitions for habits and quirks tend to overlap somewhat and this just confuses things, especially for a new writer. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the definition of a habit is “a settled or regular tendency or practice; an automatic reaction to a certain...
Fiction Writing – Why You Should Never Forget the Small Details
Fictional writing is a work of art and it is created much like a piece of art, one brush stroke at a time. You may already know what your bigger picture will look like but if the small details are left out, the big ones...
10 Rules of Writing a Novel – Part 2
Once you have digested the first five rules, you can move on. These are the only rules you need to follow when writing a novel because, believe me, once you learn these, everything else will follow naturally. Rule 6: Read, Read, and Read Some More Most writers...
10 Rules of Writing a Novel – Part 1
There is so much information, so many tips on how to write, how to submit a really great novel but, when you get down to it, most of the information is common sense. But would-be authors go trolling the internet, looking for a definitive set...
Tips on Avoiding Distractions when Writing
As a freelancer, there are many distractions that compete for my attention every day, not forgetting my own work on this list. The interruptions range from something as simple as a phone call to more habits that are harder to drop such as constantly checking...
Overcoming Perfectionism as a Writer
Have you ever started on an idea you thought was great, then changed your mind and the first draft found itself in the bin. Then the process continued and more and more drafts followed. It is said that we are our own worst critics. Even...
How Not to Write a Female Character Part 2
Here we take a further look at how to avoid the pitfalls of writing a female protagonist that is cliched or just wrong. If a woman is empowered, she is often portrayed as a man-hater who resents males for their positions of power. This is simply...
How Not to Write a Female Character Part 1
This article is aimed mainly at our more testosterone filled authors but can also apply to female writers who write a cliched female character. There are many articles to help you write a great female protagonist but let’s consider a list of things you shouldn’t...
How to Write Erotic Fiction
Recent years have seen the resurgence of erotic fiction and it is currently one of the more popular genres on the market. Erotic writing has been around for centuries, but modern readers have managed to disassociate from the feeling of “slightly smutty” that dogged the...