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Feeling vs Emotion – Part 2
Generating Feelings With feeling, introspection is needed and this makes it necessary to identify with a character and empathize with what they are facing. However, you must remember that the action in the story and the characters are merely the vehicles the reader will use to...
Feeling vs Emotion – Part 1
When you write and publish a book, you want to evoke some kind of emotion or feeling from your readers. There is a subtle difference between writing feeling and writing emotion. Feeling is the kind of emotion that has been refined and is habitual; feeling...
A Cruise – The Perfect Vacation for Writers Part 2
A cruise is a wonderful vacation for anyone but for writers, it is the absolute best. It gives you time to unwind, to be inspired and to get some serious work done with few interruptions. You Meet People From All Over Most of the employees on a...
A Cruise – The Perfect Vacation for Writers Part 1
It isn’t always easy to find time to write, let alone find the time that relaxes you and provides inspiration. In fact, sometimes, it is pretty much impossible because everything conspires against you, stopping you from finding the time you need. So, why not take...
Revealing Your Character Through Conflict
Do you fight with your fists or with your words? As writers the answer is obvious. But what about your characters, do they fight with their feelings or through logic? And why is it important to identify their reasons for fighting? First, think of the five...
Rewriting The 7 Rules of Dialog – Part 3
Rule 5: Use Grammar Correctly Never be afraid to break with convention when it serves your story and your readers. Simon spoke before Adam could: “So, you have told your mom? About the visions?” There are editors who would want the colon replaced with a period here but...
Rewriting The 7 Dialog Rules – Part 2
Rule 3: Use “Said” Rather Than Any Other Speaker Attribution Tag You don’t want your story cluttered up with obtrusive attributions, that much is true. When your characters are constantly chortling, retorting, chipping in, exclaiming, and questioning and not actually saying anything, it gets distracting. Your...
Rewriting The 7 Dialog Rules – Part 1
We all know the advice about dialog – your characters should all sound different, only say what needs to be said, use ‘said’ rather than other tags, and so on. Yes, these ideas can put you on the right track but they don’t consider characterization,...
Research Sells Stories
No matter what you are writing, be it a blog, a short story or a novel, research is the key factor in ensuring that your audience is kept captivated. Research is what provides authenticity to a story, it's what makes your readers want to keep reading...
5 Tips to Producing a Real Page-Turner
If there is one thing an author loves to hear from one of their readers is that they just couldn’t put the book down. So what makes a book into a real page-turner? What is it that stops readers from getting on with their chores...