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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

 7 Tips For Crafting a Pitch For Your Novel

One of the most important bits of your query letter, when you write a memoir or a novel, is your pitch. This is a very brief description of the story designed to get the interest of your agent and it is a difficult part of...

7 Tips to Adapt Your Novel as a Screenplay – Part 2

Be Visual In Your Thinking Screenwriting is the adult version of “show and tell”. Unless your narration is a voiceover, you never, ever, get into the heads of your characters. Your biggest tool is dialog; together with basic action, you can flesh your characters and your...

7 Tips to Adapt Your Novel as a Screenplay – Part 1

Lots of great books can easily translate into a film and there are a couple of ways that your manuscript can be turned into a screenplay. Much of the time, the agent who takes your book will try to raise interest in it and, if...

6 Literary Techniques That You May Not Have Heard Of

Imagine watching an artist as they create a painting. As they paint, you notice that the painting is made up of layers, each one more beautiful than the last. And the same is true of writing. Both artists and writers use different techniques and tools...

5 Tips for Writing a Novel Synopsis

No writer likes the job of coming up with a synopsis of their novel but it is a necessary evil. A synopsis, at its most basic, is a summary of the book and agents want to see them because they want to see if your...

5 Tips for Writing a Novel Synopsis

No writer likes the job of coming up with a synopsis of their novel but it is a necessary evil. A synopsis, at its most basic, is a summary of the book and agents want to see them because they want to see if your...

10 Techniques to Add Dimension to Your Characters – Part 4

And now we reach the final two techniques. By now, your character should be starting to take shape; he or she should have some real depth and that dimension you have been looking for is beginning to appear. These last techniques will give you what...

10 Techniques to Add Dimension to Your Characters – Part 3

Without further ado, let’s move on to technique number 6. Eavesdrop on Your Character We’ve all done it in the real world; listened in on conversations that were nothing to do with us and, to be fair, it is one of the best ways of gathering ideas...

10 Techniques to Add Dimension to Your Characters – Part 2

If you didn’t get enough help from the first two techniques, get on and try these ones: Breaking and Entering If spying doesn’t get you what you want, don’t be disheartened and don’t stop there! Break into your main character’s home and have a look through everything....

10 Techniques to Add Dimension to Your Characters – Part 1

Characters are tricky things to write. You may have given them a fantastic story; you may have mapped out every exciting part of their lives but, even when those characters feel like your best friend, even when you know all you think there is to...