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We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Building A Strong Foundation For Your Story
Once you have the basic plot for your novel in your mind, with an interesting main character, the next thing you must do is begin to build the story layer by layer. A good guide to ensure your story and characters are compelling enough to...
Why You Should Write
Like many other art forms, writing is inspired by different reasons and it comes with various benefits. One of the most straightforward and common reasons for writing is that it is an avenue for expression. Through writing, there is the possibility of sharing your story...
Playwriting Tips
There is no specific way of writing a play. Plays tend to adopt creative aspects and not necessarily industry set norms. That said, a play’s format should be familiar even if some elements may be different. When anyone else picks the script, they should be...
The Empty World Dilemma
Most authors of fantasy and science fiction are familiar with the term "world-building." For those unacquainted with the term, it means what it sounds like it means. World-building, according to Merriam-Webster, is "the art of creating a new fictional world." With that said, if you're looking...
Writing A Book That Matters
A new book gets published on Amazon every five minutes. Did you know that? That might sound like a whole lot of books but what does it really mean? Well, if you are a reader then the chances of you running out of something to...
Top Tips To Writing a Good Book Review
You just read a fantastic book and you want to share it with the world. The chances are you got your book from Amazon so the easiest way is to write a book review. It’s easy to say that but some book reviews are pretty...
How to Write an Amazing Sex Scene Part 2
So, here we are again, more hints from my humping help list that will hopefully help you write that amazing sex scene for your book. Get real: One of my pet hates when reading erotic literature is the unrealistic attitude that characters adopt towards the less...
How to Write an Amazing Sex Scene Part1
Do you want to write erotic fiction or are you just looking to have a believable but steamy scene in your novel? Whatever the case, there can be no mistaking that a well-written sex scene can leave your reader panting for more! On the other...
Writing Engaging Dialogue
Including dialogue in a novel can be daunting but it can add an interesting and exciting new dimension to a story. This is a basic introduction to some of the main points to remember when adding dialogue to a written piece. Keep it simple and use...
What Causes Writer’s Block?
Writer’s block is more common than you might think; many writers come to a point where they run dry or, at the very least, find it hard going because the ideas are not flowing. They get mentally and physically exhausted, may not be able to...