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We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Places to Find Inspiration for Your Writing Part 1
Once in a while, we all need something to inspire us when writing a particular piece. Sometimes our creativity does not come as naturally as it normally would, which leads us to the infamous ‘writers’ block’. There are places that inspire motivation and these places...
Creating A Character With Post-Natal Depression
How many novels have you read where a character gives birth and immediately is overwhelmed with maternal instincts, and they all live happily ever after? Sadly, most romance novels do not delve deeper into the reality of giving birth for many women. If I were a...
The Importance of Voice and Tone In Writing
While writing my article recently regarding tips and techniques for new writers, I began to wonder about voice and tone, and why it is important to the process of writing. It may come as a surprise to many people, but your voice and tone will influence everything you write. So, what...
How to Review a Short Story Collection Part 2
Third Step: Writing the Review By the third step you should have finished the whole short story collection and you should have a decent note sheet in front of you to use for the writing of the review. The review is generally made up of three...
How to Review a Short Story Collection Part 1
All book reviewers know how to review paperbacks, hard copies, and digital copies, yet many reviewers hit a road block when it comes to reviewing short story collections. This road block is generally caused by not knowing what to write about or include in the...
Character Inspiration: Books
The first step in writing a book is always the inspiration; the book starts with the author becoming inspired to write their book. Once the writer has become inspired to write their story, they generally begin by writing an outline or a rough draft and...
Ideas For New Writers Part 2
In the first part of my article covering tips for new writers, I discussed the importance of reading plenty of books on the subject and practising the art of writing, people watching to get ideas for characters and most of all not being afraid to follow your passion. There are other points that I think that are important too, which...
Ideas For New Writers
Deciding to become a writer can be quite frightening, especially when you have little or no experience and skill. What is more important is that you have the drive and passion to learn. Over the years, I have managed to gather together some tips and techniques which I have found invaluable. I have described...
How To Develop A Strong Female Heroine
All women love to read a novel where the female characters have strong and vibrant personalities. We all have our favourite heroines in literature, a female who inspired us not to be afraid to have our own values and beliefs. So, how can you create a true heroine in your story, and not...
Literary Tactics Used In Copywriting
Copywriting is something that most novelists avoid like the plague because it can be so boring and they feel it is a pointless exercise. I agree it can become soul destroying, but if you want to have a greater reach to your potential audience, and urge them...