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Character Psychology
When you are creating the backstory for your characters, the most important aspect to consider is the psychology of your characters. How do they process information in their minds, and how does this mindset transpire in the actions they take? Once you have this down on paper, then you will know exactly how your character will respond to most given situations or other characters...
7 New Ways to Find an Editor – Part 2
Now you know what to look for as far as the type of editing you need, it's time to look at ways to find the right editor for your book. As with most things, you can never be certain about anything without experiencing it or...
7 New Ways to Find an Editor – Part 1
Most writers don’t tend to concern themselves with too much i-dotting and t-crossing. At the end of the day, your role is to turn your ideas into something tangible and that can make it very difficult for an author to see if their logic has...
Top Web Apps And Desktop Tools For eBook Creation – Part 3
In the final part of this mini-series, we’ll be looking at desktop tools you can use for your eBook. Open Office Of course, you can use Word but Open Office is free and you can convert .doc files to PDF for free. It works in much the...
Top Web Apps And Desktop Tools For eBook Creation – Part 2
Welcome back; by now you should have chosen your format and are now ready to decide what tools you want to use to create your book. There are many to choose from and I’ve narrowed things down to the best of the best. Web Apps and...
Top Web Apps And Desktop Tools For eBook Creation – Part 1
Writing and publishing an eBook is a fantastic way of widening your audience and gaining more loyal followers and, if you’ve got a great idea knocking about in your head, an idea that would help solve a problem with a non-fiction book or provide an...
Top Four Tips For The New Mystery Writer
Mystery writing can be murder and if we aren't organized enough, mayhem! We must create an intriguing plot, develop an endearing cast of characters, and devise enough twists to keep our readers engaged and entertained to the end; not just the end of our book,...
Formatting Consistency
One of the most intimidating aspects of writing any kind of manuscript is knowing how to format it properly so that it is more readable and looks much more professional. Formatting is the term writers use to refer to how a manuscript is written. Letter...
Top Five Resources For The Mystery Writer
Are you a fan of Agatha Christie novels? Would you like to write to the caliber of the Miss Fisher series? Writing a mystery requires a specific set of tools; you must be well organized, understand character arcs, know how to utilize your settings, and...
Importance of Proofreading
Writing a book is a wonderful endeavor regardless of the reasons for the work. An author could write because a general subject means something to them or applies to their life in some way, or to share something specific with the world or just because...