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Two Editors You Will Need
What is a good writer without editors? Usually, we hear talk about writers only ever having one editor, those editors are usually cast as tough and precise because they know what they're talking about. But what most independent authors, especially new authors, don't realize is...
Writing Graded Readers - Part 3
How do you write a well-paced story that flows naturally within the structural and lexical constraints of a graded reader? These books, otherwise known as learner literature, are far more than simple school books. Whether they're at an elementary, intermediate or advanced level, they must...
Writing Graded Readers - Part 2
You've decided you'd like to try your hand at writing a graded reader. What's the next step? If a friend asked you for advice on how to become a marathon runner, you'd tell him to go running. Likewise, if you'd like to write graded readers,...
Writing Graded Readers - Part 1
What is a graded reader? Whether you're an experienced writer or a newbie, you may be wondering what a graded reader is. They are books that are written or adapted for language learners. Graded readers help people read and enjoy the language they're learning. This is important...
Knowing and Reaching your Audience - Part 2
Audiences love pieces that ask questions and provoke thought. They want to feel like they are part of the process and not mere outsiders. They also like taking something away with them after reading an article or book. It could be a new perspective or...
Knowing and Reaching your Audience - Part 1
A critical part of the writing process is knowing your audience as a writer. Sometimes this is clear but, for many writers, it is not always easy to identify the specific audience you intend to write for. There are tips discussed in this article that...
Things to Consider While Hiring an Editor
Editing a book is a skill that many people believe they have, but very few people actually possess. Editing a book is not easy. It is more than just removing a few words here, adding a few words there. Authors have to be very careful...
Drowning the Voice of Self-Doubt Part 2
Only compare yourself to you In the modern world we live in, it is a constant struggle not to compare yourself with the next person. As a writer or author, this can become frustrating. As hard as it might be, refraining from comparing yourself with other...
Drowning the Voice of Self-Doubt Part 1
I recently read Sharon A. Davidson’s book, You Go Girl: Start. Build. Sell. In the book, Davidson describes a psychological pattern known as the Impostor Syndrome. A person with this syndrome is not convinced that they are competent enough and suffers from a lingering fear...
Inspiration For Writer's Block
Writer’s block is a fact of life for every writer of every style and genre. When writer’s block strikes, it has many different ways of affecting each writer. Some never recover, opting to quit writing altogether while others will find some very simple ways to...