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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

5 Terrible Children’s Book Mistakes Part 3

The fourth mistake is one that many seasoned writers still make today. Confusion over Point of View Misconception – What on earth does point of view have to do with a children’s book? So many people, including old hands at writing, just can’t grasp how the point of...

5 Terrible Children’s Book Mistakes Part 2

The next misconception is one of the worst mistakes that a children’s book writer can make Too Preachy Misconception – I have far more experience as an adult and I know more than a child reader so I want to write books that will teach a child...

5 Terrible Children’s Book Mistakes Part 1

Most writers think about writing a book for children, with many thinking about the books they loved when they were a child. While there are some truly fantastic children’s books in publication now, there are also a whole lot of misconceptions leading people to believe...

The Use Of Too Much Dialogue

Using dialogue in your novel is, of course, an essential element to enable the reader to get a much better understanding of your character's personality. However, one of the things I have learned since studying the craft of writing, is that overusing dialogue can have...

How to Write a DIY Guide Part 3

3. Organization The third step is deciding on the organization of the DIY material and this will be largely decided by what type of DIY the writer chose to write. Here are some examples of different forms of DIY organization that could be used. Digital Article 1. Introduction...

How to Write a DIY Guide Part 2

Writing Style Once the intended audience is known by the writer, the writing style can then be chosen based on that audience. In this case, writing style refers to word choice, formal or informal writing, and level of education the reader would need to understand...

How to Write a DIY Guide Part 1

Many writers want to write books, articles, and instruction manuals on the topic of DIY (Do It Yourself), yet many writers struggle on how to write these DIYs and on what topic their DIY should teach the reader to do. There are five main steps for DIY...

Do You Make This One Punctuation Mistake? Part 3

Have you worked out what to do? Sentences that are too long with simple subjects and compound predicates do not need commas; they need rewriting. This is how you should write that sentence: “Hannah’s husband Andy draws up building plans for an architect during the week, and he...

Do You Make This One Punctuation Mistake? Part 2

Going back to those sentences that have the commas, the pause or comma is breaking up the actions that are meant to go together in a group: “My friend skates - and cycles.” “Hannah sings - and plays the guitar.” “Andy draws - and paints.” Why would you put...

Do You Make This One Punctuation Mistake? Part 1

Punctuation is a killer; quite literally sometimes because if you get it wrong, nothing you write will make sense. Let’s take the humble comma. Many writers place them where instinct tells them to or they will place a comma where they would pause naturally in a...