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Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Proofreading, Editing, Critique

Getting help with your book from a professional editor is always recommended but often just too expensive. We have partnered with a professional editor with 30 years of experience to provide quality writing services at affordable prices.

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Hundreds of Helpful Articles

Hundreds of Helpful Articles

We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.

How Many Words Should Be In A Chapter Of A Book? – Part 2

So, have you determined a good chapter length for your book or do you need some more help? What is important is your readers, not how long it will take you to write the chapter. You need to consider an average reader and how long...

How Many Words Should Be In A Chapter Of A Book? – Part 1

Do you often ask yourself how long your book chapters should be? Think of a few books you have read recently that held your interest; how long were the chapters? Did it take you 30 minutes or more to read a chapter? Did it feel too short...

From Cover to Cover – What Makes a Book – part 3

It’s one thing making sure the inside of your book is perfect but what about the outside? Most readers take a cover into consideration when choosing a book to read and many also read the back cover (or printed matter) for a synopsis of the...

From Cover to Cover – What Makes a Book – part 2

Continuing with the basics of what makes a book: Copyright Page This page appears on the title page’s underside in printed matter. If any of the following information is included in your book, it goes in this section: Copyright date Publisher or publishing company name Printer or printing company name Edition...

From Cover to Cover – What Makes a Book – part 1

How many people, including new authors, really know all the different bits to a book? For example, do you know what a publisher means when they say ‘front matter’ or ‘back matter’? What is a preface? Is it the same as an introduction, a prologue, or a foreword?...

How Long Does It Take To Write A Book – Part 5

Up to now, we’ve covered writing and, by now, you should be able to figure out roughly how long it will take you to write your book. But what about publishing? How Long to Publish a Book? Once the writing is done, you’ve revised it, edited and...

How Long Does It Take To Write A Book – Part 4

Non-fiction is one thing but what if you are thinking about writing a novel? That is a whole different ballgame. How Long to Write a Novel? Novels take, on average, significantly longer to write than a non-fiction book and there are two reasons why: Depending on the genre,...

How Long Does It Take To Write A Book – Part 3

The next thing you want to know is how long it takes to write and we start small for that. How Long to Write 500 Words? If you set your daily goal at a minimum of 500 words it’s important to have a rough idea of how...

How Long Does It Take To Write A Book – Part 2

Getting into the habit of writing every day is the first step in producing your masterpiece but it doesn’t answer the question of how long it will take. You don’t just take the type of book into account, nor is it all about the estimated...

How Long Does It Take To Write A Book – Part 1

So, how long should a book be? Nine times out of ten the answer to that question will be “it depends” or something like it. On what? Well, to start with, it depends on what type of book it is. Whether it is a fictional novel...