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We have created hundreds of articles on topics all authors face in today’s literary landscape. Get help and advice on Writing, Marketing, Publishing, Social Networking, and more. Each article has a Comments section so you can read advice from other authors and leave your own.
Why you should Never Quit on your Writing Goals - Part 1
We all have those moments when we doubt ourselves and our capabilities, when we question whether we are on the right path, when we face obstacles and the idea of quitting is alluring. Still, we wonder what we could achieve if our dreams come true....
From Average to Expert, Becoming Better at Writing - Part 2
If you are not sure what your weak area is, solicit feedback from an experienced writer or from one of your readers. Your channels in gaining feedback could be social media, a writers' group or approaching a close friend who understands the writing process. Aggregate...
From Average to Expert, Becoming Better at Writing - Part 1
While there is nothing wrong in being an average writer, most of us crave to be better. Writing is a skill and a talent. If you have always had the passion to write, you could describe yourself as having the talent. However, since writing is...
Features of a Great Audio Book
Audiobooks have been with us for a while but it is only in the last three decades that they have become popular. Great audiobooks have distinctive features that set them apart from the rest. A good audiobook should, in essence, tell the story in a...
Writing Montage in Fiction
Montage is common in films. It is a device that uses flashbacks of images that show a past sequence of events. This is a method for compressing information of time, backstory, and point of view. It is a tool used by writers to show pacing and...
Rhythm - A Poetry Workshop Lesson
On my website, I'm currently running a poetry workshop for those wishing to learn more. Each week I post two lessons with a choice of prompts at the end so those taking the workshop not only are taught the material but how to use the...
How to Craft a Killer Opening Scene - Part 3
Read opening scenes from great writers As you read other novels, take note of what draws you to the book’s opening scene. Learn what great writers do differently that makes the beginning of their books stand out. After reading their works, write your own and compare...
Literary Inspirations: John Milton
John Milton was a passionate writer who advocated for freedom of speech. He was admired not just for his command of the English language, but also for his fierce independence. Many of his poems, including Paradise Lost, have served as a basis for many muses....
Romantic Inspirations: Crime and Punishment
Knowing good and evil can be difficult. Despite us teaching and being taught what’s good and what’s bad, in the end, it all depends on the situation. For instance, if we had to choose between a countless number of innocent lives, and saving the people...
Romantic Inspirations: The Lady Macbeth
In the infamous tragedy Macbeth, Lady Macbeth played an important role in her husband’s fall from grace. She repeatedly goads him into killing others and prizes her ambition and lust for power over everything else, including her own sanity. She is a manifestation of the darkness...