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Tips for Writing a Sizzling Romance Novel Plot
Romance novels have a bad reputation for being clichéd with plots that seem to blend in with each other. However, fans of the romance genre know better. If the writer puts in the right amount of tension and a few other key elements to the story, the novel can be exceptionally well received. While finding an original idea that has never been used before is very difficult, it is not impossible to take an older idea and give your own spin to it. As long as your plot is well-constructed and your novel has what it takes to grab the attention of readers, you don’t have to worry about anything.
There are certain ways and tips through which you can make sure that your novel stands out for all the right reasons. Here are the tips that not only help you write a sizzling romance novel plot but also help you to make it successful.
Pique the Interest of the Reader
While showing the relationship between the protagonists is very important for a romance novel, you also need to come up with an idea that captures the interest of the reader. The best romance plots don’t necessarily have the best ideas, but the plots always have an element of intrigue in it. There should be parallel challenges to the story; the characters should have their own goals and desires outside of the relationship they have. The character should have something more that they want and go beyond finding a person to love.
Love Isn’t Easy, So it Shouldn’t Be
Of course, there is a time when love is easy to find, but most of the time you have to work hard to find love that lasts a lifetime. While many high school couples stay together for years, get married and grow old together, it is not the case for everyone. There needs to be a struggle to make things work to make it interesting for the reader. If everything is great in their lives, then why is the reader reading their story anyway?
Build the Momentum of Your Narrative
Your plot is as strong as your narrative and it shows. There needs to be a flow of the story and that flow needs to have a momentum that builds over time strongly and surely. The complications in the story and the goals of the characters work greatly towards building your narrative and giving it momentum. Your drive to keep the story going is an incentive for your reader to keep reading. Building momentum is a balancing act so make sure that you put in some time and thought into it.
Surprises Are Best for Creating Tension
No romance novel is complete without an element of surprise or tension in the story. There needs to be something that can surprise your reader or unexpectedly change the track of the story. Add drama to the story, make it complex, add in the entanglement of fears, wants and desires to make the story layered and complex. Know your subgenre, make it snappy and add a subplot if you want. All of these are a great way to enhance your plot and make it complicated.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Rabia Tanveer