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Mark Antony and Cleopatra: The Romance that Changed History
There’s no doubt that Julius Caesar was one of, if not the most, famous ruler of all time. From his immortalization in Shakespeare’s plays, to the way he was brutally betrayed by his own Senate, to even the fact that there’s a salad named after him, Caesar was a powerful politician who had garnered many enemies. But despite his power, many artists and authors have often pondered on the romances within his court. These romances include that of Mark Antony and Cleopatra, one of history’s most powerful couples.
At first, Cleopatra set her eyes on Caesar, no doubt because of the power he could’ve granted her. However, when he died, she decided to try to win the Roman general, Mark Antony. Along with the affair that the two had started, Antony eventually named Cleopatra his wife, and made her Queen over Syria, Crete, Egypt, and Cyprus, all of which had an immense influence on the world at the time. However, because of this appointment, many of the Roman Senate had accused him of abusing his power. Antony fought back, which resulted in a civil war for Rome. However, after losing a rather important naval battle, the two lovers found refuge in Egypt, where Cleopatra spread false rumors that she had killed herself, no doubt trying to protect her family. However, when Antony heard these rumors, he stabbed himself to death. Cleopatra found out about this, and eventually took her own life by having a poisonous snake bite her.
Both Cleopatra and Mark Antony were powerful in their own right. While Cleopatra was only Caesar’s lover, she was also the Queen of Egypt. She played a role in shaping the ancient world, and was also considered “the last of the Pharaohs.” She knew how to use her looks to get what she wanted, and it was through her death that the war for the Roman Republic ended. Mark Antony, on the other hand, was one of Caesar’s most trusted generals, but had destroyed Rome’s government with his betrayal of Caesar. He was a strong man, as well as a manipulative politician. No doubt they came together out of a desire for each other’s power. They were ruthless, merciless, and did whatever they could to come out on top, even if it meant betraying their comrades. If they’d won the civil war, they could’ve been history’s most powerful couple. However, losers don’t get to shape history.
Many books have been inspired by them. For example, Shakespeare himself had written about them in his tragedy, Antony and Cleopatra. Other books, such as Cleopatra and Antony: Power, Love and Politics in the Ancient World by Diana Preston, have sought to fill in the gaps that history’s victors left out, and to paint the picture of a new, realistic Rome filled with strife and romance. Nevertheless, the relationship between Cleopatra and Antony is one that has been told time and time again, as well as a love that will command our muses for years to come.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Robin Goodfellow