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Drinks To Uplift The Writer

When you write, an uplifting drink may help you get those words on paper, or should I say screen. I find certain drinks depressing. Drinks such as hot coffee, hot black or green tea, plain water and smoothies to me are downright boring and depressing. I have made a list of drinks which I think may be helpful. Some are obvious, but just maybe you have never had one. What is also nice is that the uplifting drinks are all inexpensive. So, whether you are a wealthy writer or a poor writer, these drinks are all for both of you.

First, there is water. But, why drink it plain? You can drink it with water enhancer, infuse it with fruit or cucumber to make spa water, buy sparkling or buy seltzer. While you are writing, know that you are being good to your body and keeping your body hydrated.

Then, there is V-8 juice. Personally, I do not like Bloody Marys but I like V-8 juice. Anyway, think of it as having a 'mocktail' while writing.

Grape juice is super when you want a glass of wine but have to stay sober while writing. 

Lemonade is refreshing. Think about the county fair and getting that delicious lemonade on a warm and sunny day. Maybe doing so might give you inspiration for an uplifting article.

Cranberry juice is good for the urinary tract. However, mix with some 7-Up and have yourself a cool spritzer. Have a spritzer when taking a break to get that rejuvenation. 

Beer or non-alcoholic beer is nice to have when getting together with friends and shooting the breeze about writing. Talk about topics, suggestions, advice, etc. They just might have what you need.

Iced tea has a little bit of caffeine and is super to have sweetened or unsweetened. Many people swear by Southern sweet tea, others by unsweetened tea with lemon. I love both! Pretend you are writing on a Southern plantation with nothing but the sun and a warm breeze.

My grand finale? Iced coffee! Every morning I need to have a few glasses of iced coffee or else I am a wreck. It is just extremely uplifting and something to look forward to so early in the morning. I have included a link to some different iced coffee recipes to get you pumped up!

Finally, what I like about all of these options is that they are simple. One does not have to blend a million ingredients in a blender and you do not have to fork out a bunch of money. Uplifting drinks can take your mind to uplifting places, just like the Southern plantation example or shooting the breeze example. You are not going to say to yourself, “Not another glass of water…” This is important as writers, as you may know, lead lives in offices alone with four walls. So, drink and have some fun writing. Many people out there do not have that luxury. Write on!  

Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo