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Are You Ready to Become a Writer?
So, you have a dream of becoming a writer as a full-time career, whether you have always loved to write and have a deep yearning to make your dream a reality. Or, maybe friends and family have always remarked what a great storyteller you are. But how do you know you have what it truly takes, or whether the time is right for you? Becoming a full-time writer is not easy, and it takes a great deal of discipline and commitment. Having a passion for writing does not give you an automatic pass to success. However, having that driving passion will ensure that you will not give up, and not be dissuaded by negative feedback (which you will almost certainly receive).
There are very few people who are born proficient writers; that takes a lot of time and training. So where do you begin?
One of the first things you must do is read, read and read some more on the craft of writing. Spend as much of your spare time as you can writing. That doesn't mean diving headfirst into writing a novel, which would be the same as taking a degree before you can read or write. Begin with small articles on a subject you know a great deal about and then once your confidence grows, so will your writing ability.
Here is my quick guide to set you on the path of a writing career.
1. Do not think you have to be a published writer before you can call yourself a writer. If you write, then you are a writer, plain and simple. You may be a novice but as you continue to write, you are progressing and learning new skills. Remember, all of your favorite novelists were, at one time or another, unknown and unpublished.
2. Do not give up on your dream. Even when times get tough, keep persisting and pushing forward. Developing a thick skin is vital. Learn to accept constructive feedback with grace.
3. Write about the subjects you are most passionate about, not the subjects you think will bring you the most financial gain.
4. Discipline yourself to write something every day. It could be a character outline or some ideas for a scene. If you are not writing you become stagnant. Even to this day I always have a pad and pen close to hand in case a great line or idea comes into my head.
5. If you can afford it, get your own writer's website. When you are pitching your work to publishers or agents, they will undoubtedly look you up on the internet. A website is a great place to showcase your personality, portfolio, and talent. If you cannot afford a website then there are so many free blog sites you can set up. Make your content engaging and professional looking so you build a strong following. When you finally release your first novel to the world, you will have already built a ready-made audience.
6. Look for any opportunity to write. Maybe there is a charitable organization that needs content for a website or brochure. Maybe volunteer for a local newspaper. Opportunities, whether paid or unpaid, can give you invaluable experience.
7. Seek out other writers. Most writing communities are supportive and helpful and are invaluable when it comes to dealing with procrastination, frustration or those times when you just want to quit. You can start with writing groups on social media. You will find like-minded writers who have experienced most of the emotions you are feeling. Gaining experience isn't just about writing but networking too. The more people you connect with, the more writing opportunities will come your way.
Finally, remember that writing can be lonely and exhausting, but so fulfilling too. There will be times when you are fearful to take the next step, but do not let that fear stop you. Just take one step at a time and you will finally reach your destination.
Written by Readers’ Favorite Reviewer Lesley Jones