In Sucker, a supernatural fiction by Mark Lingane, Van H. Abraham is plunged into a world with a supernatural twist. As soon as he set eyes on the beautiful Mina, his fate was sealed. She requests his services, her man has run off with a...
In Sucker, a supernatural fiction by Mark Lingane, Van H. Abraham is plunged into a world with a supernatural twist. As soon as he set eyes on the beautiful Mina, his fate was sealed. She requests his services, her man has run off with a...
"Was he the only person alive on the planet? But that was the point with AI; you weren’t supposed to be able to tell the difference. It wasn’t intelligence, they were pretending to be alive, designed to deceive for the benefit of humans, who were...
Degrade: Tesla Expansion Book 1 by Mark Lingane burns in an unrelenting sun of a distant future, where humans struggle to survive a decimated environment of harsh political moves and eroded physical resources. Couched in the Western Desert of Australia, Arid Geiger is a teen...
After celebrating their 28th birthday party, Kry wakes up to find a letter written by them, discovering that they have been de-aged seven years. However, they have also failed to retain their memories, with only a vague flash of a woman named Melanie offering a...
Ronan, a recluse living in a futuristic world obsessed with virtual reality and drugs, receives an encrypted invitation to a party. He does not think much about it, but the events that follow transform his life forever. In this society, people are self-centered and do...